The U.C.O. Uro-oncology Tissue Bank
Research will only yield clinically useful information if the raw
materials — tissue and patient information — are meticulously gathered.The
tissue bank collects, stores and distributes
tumour samples for scientific research work. Tumour samples are collected
during surgery
and used to plan patient treatment and care. Any tumour not needed
may be stored in the tumour bank for future use. Readily available
tumour samples provide scientists with
greater opportunities to find new methods of assessing cancers.
To assist the translation of laboratory research into clinical practice,
it is essential to have samples available for testing e.g. for a new,
potentially significant marker of prognosis in
cancer to be established, it’s activity needs to be measured in a
large number of tumours
and the data analysed and compared.
In Sydney’s west, the pioneering work of the Westmead Institute of
Cancer Research (WICR) combined with the work of the U.C.O. will create
synergies allowing for the assessment of similarities between cancers
and methods to improve therapy. Facilitating this process means more
samples available for research so that important breakthroughs benefit
patients sooner.
Healthcare can be a 2-way street; samples may be used to identify
genetic diagnostic and prognostic markers. Although samples stored
for research may not benefit the donor’s treatment, it will ultimately
be of benefit to others.
The tissue collection of the U.C.O. is currently being undertaken
at Westmead Hospital only,
but there are plans underway to expand collection
to other sites.
The services of the Tissue bank include:
Maintaining specimen storage at – 80 Celsius
Maintaining computer inventory of patient and tissue data
Updating storage and inventory data
Continue the clinical follow-up on patient tumour data
Ensuring patient confidentiality
Management of valuable patient research data
Ensuring highest level of quality control and data integrity